Dukutek.com - Negative campaigns against opponents competing business is not the most classy way, but in fact continue to exist and the method used by a number of parties.
One is Microsoft, which on Thursday (07/02/2012) yesterday launched an outright attack on Google's Gmail service. The goal, of course, is to shift customer service Gmail to Microsoft's Outlook.
"Do not let yourself be spied by Google (Do not Get Scroogled by Gmail)!" Thus the sound of the campaign tagline, which ditayangan in the United States through print advertising, television and online Microsoft.
ad featuring the word "Scroogle" colorful directly reminiscent of the company's famous logo Internet giant.
One is Microsoft, which on Thursday (07/02/2012) yesterday launched an outright attack on Google's Gmail service. The goal, of course, is to shift customer service Gmail to Microsoft's Outlook.
"Do not let yourself be spied by Google (Do not Get Scroogled by Gmail)!" Thus the sound of the campaign tagline, which ditayangan in the United States through print advertising, television and online Microsoft.
ad featuring the word "Scroogle" colorful directly reminiscent of the company's famous logo Internet giant.

was targeted by Microsoft is the fact that Google scans every e-mail user in order to send the appropriate ads to those users.
Microsoft said that the ad campaign that aims to "educate the American public about the practice of every Google search for e-mail users to sell advertising."
According to a study conducted this Windows operating system manufacturers, 70 percent of users do not realize that he is constantly being "spied on" by the service providers of e-mail.
As many as 88 percent of the users who then know this said they did not agree with the practice.
Do not stop there, Microsoft also held a petition to "make Google no longer peered e-mail to sell advertising." So far, Microsoft has to collect 121 signatures from the target of 25,000.
Microsoft's Outlook service claimed not scan e-mail users to sell ads. Google itself has always insisted that the privacy of users is not affected by the method of scanning e-mails automatically applied by it.
"There is no human being who has ever read the information in the account or your personal e-mail to sell ads," Google wrote in a statement on his official website.
Microsoft said that the ad campaign that aims to "educate the American public about the practice of every Google search for e-mail users to sell advertising."
According to a study conducted this Windows operating system manufacturers, 70 percent of users do not realize that he is constantly being "spied on" by the service providers of e-mail.
As many as 88 percent of the users who then know this said they did not agree with the practice.
Do not stop there, Microsoft also held a petition to "make Google no longer peered e-mail to sell advertising." So far, Microsoft has to collect 121 signatures from the target of 25,000.
Microsoft's Outlook service claimed not scan e-mail users to sell ads. Google itself has always insisted that the privacy of users is not affected by the method of scanning e-mails automatically applied by it.
"There is no human being who has ever read the information in the account or your personal e-mail to sell ads," Google wrote in a statement on his official website.
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